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Sexy Berkeley Page 21

  Daniel is silent for a moment as he parks. When he turns the engine off, he remains still and then turns to me. "Will you really think of me, like that, when you're home?"

  "Of course I will, what do you mean?"

  "Like, you'll look at the clock and wonder what I'm doing?"

  I nod, shyly, "Is that weird? Have I freaked you out?" I ask quietly, wondering if I've just completely put him off. Not that it matters really, considering I'm leaving tomorrow.

  He stares at me and it feels like minutes pass. Oh shit. It is weird. How do I come back from this? "Daniel, I..."

  He grabs my hand. "Baby, it's not weird at all, sorry. You take me by surprise sometimes, you're so interested in parts of my life that most girls don't want to know about. When you say things like that, I like it because I know I'll be the same, only I can't picture you at home or work. There's so much about you that I don't know and I want to know it all, I want to be part of it, I want to see you at work, I want to meet your folks and Oliver and Clare, be in your car with you, see your apartment, sleep in your bed with you," he stops and shakes his head.

  I offer him a small smile. "Daniel, I wish it wasn't like this, I wish you could see all of those things and be a part of them. And I'd like you to understand that I am so interested in your work, I think it's fascinating, what your dad created, and what you and your sister are now part of. What an incredible achievement for the family, and huge opportunity for so many employees."

  Daniel smiles. "Come on then, it makes me feel happier bringing you here, knowing you really want to see it. I like to show off what I'm proud of. I'd show you off, given the chance."

  I smile as Daniel steps out of the car and comes around to open my door for me. He takes my hand and walks with me to an awaiting lift.

  We step out into a huge, marble floored reception hall with a large desk between two pillars, opposite the main doors to the street. There is a great, sweeping marble staircase behind the reception desk, and three more lifts to the right of that. I can imagine it bustling in here during the week. Daniel takes my hand and walks me towards the other lifts.

  "Good Morning, Mr. Berkeley," the girl at reception says, blushing a little.

  "Good morning, Sarah," Daniel responds with a warm smile, walking purposefully, towards the lifts.

  We enter another lift and he presses a button for one of the top floors. As the doors close, he pulls me into his arms and beams, beautifully. "I like having you here. I'd rather it was a week day so I could show you off, but never mind," he says as he kisses my nose and loosens his grip on me as the lift comes to a halt. He takes my hand again and leads me out onto the office floor.

  It's a very large, open space with many, modern office cubicles to the left, a large reception desk to the right with a seating area beyond it. Around the back of the huge room, are doors to what I presume are, private offices.

  An older lady sits behind the reception desk, typing at the speed of lightening. She looks up as we walk towards her and immediately stands. "Good morning, Mr. Berkeley, I wasn't aware that you were coming in today."

  "Good morning, Iris," Daniel says, confidently. "Don't worry, as you can tell from my attire, I'm not here to work, just showing my girlfriend my office. This is Beatrice Hart." His girlfriend! I wonder how many of his 'girlfriends' she's met...

  "Good morning, Miss Hart," she greets and nods with a smile. I can see a hint of surprise in her expression but she's riding it well.

  "Good Morning," I respond, not wanting to use her first name for fear of sounding patronising. Daniel tugs my hand and leads me towards the far end of the room.

  "It's huge Daniel," I remark, looking around me as we walk.

  He smirks. "I'm aware of that, baby, but what do you think of the office?"

  I giggle. "The office is pretty big, too."

  He opens a door, and inside, working behind a large desk, sits a very attractive girl, maybe twenty-five or so, with honey blonde hair and a very fitted, suit dress on. She stands immediately.

  "Good Morning, Mr. Berkeley, I didn't know you were in today."

  "Morning, Heidi, don't worry, I'm just picking something up and showing Miss Hart around." He turns to me, "Bea, baby, this is Heidi, my assistant."

  My heart sinks a little, she's too damned attractive to be his assistant.

  "It's great to meet you, thank you so much for running around for me this morning, everything is perfect."

  She holds out her hand for me to shake. "Miss Hart, it's great to meet you, too. It wasn't a problem at all, I just followed Mr. Berkeley's instructions. I'm glad you like everything, you certainly look lovely."

  "Thank you. I do like it, very much."

  "Mr. Berkeley, Miss Hart, can I get you anything?"

  "No, Heidi, thank you. You can go now, finish whatever you're working on on Monday. Have a great weekend."

  "If you're sure, Mr. Berkeley, thank you."

  "See you Monday," Daniel says as he walks towards a connecting door.

  "Mr. Berkeley, Miss Hart," she says with a nod.

  "Nice to meet you," I call behind me, as Daniel tugs me through the door of a huge, beautiful office.

  "Is this your office, Daniel?" I ask, wide eyed.

  He chuckles and frowns, "Yes, why? Something wrong with it?"

  "Daniel, it's amazing! It's huge and so... nice!" There is a large, old-looking, wooden desk in the centre of the room with a big leather chair behind it. In front are two smaller leather chairs. There is a seating area to the right of the door with four Barcelona chairs, like the ones in his living room, and a small, wooden coffee table, matching his desk.

  The meeting table and eight chairs is to my left in front of floor to ceiling windows, the view of LA is breathtaking. Against the far wall, is an extra wide, built in cabinet.

  A framed photo sitting on the top catches my eye, a man that looks a lot like Daniel with a young girl and boy, outside a building with 'Henry Berkeley' above the door. I am drawn to it and automatically stroll over to take a closer look. "Is this you?" I ask, knowing the answer, the little boy in cute denim dungarees could not look any more like Daniel if he tried.

  "Yes, with my dad and sister, I must have been about five or six."

  "Oh, Daniel, you were so cute!"

  His eyes crease as his mouth curls into a slight, embarrassed smile.

  "You still are," I say, placing the picture back down and walking towards him. He's perched upon his gigantic, solid desk. I put my bag down on his chair and lean against him, between his legs.

  "Is being cute a good thing?" he asks me, stoking my arms with his finger tips.

  "Very," I reply, as I gently clutch his shirt at either side of his waist, and rise on tiptoes to nuzzle into his neck, trailing soft, open-mouthed kisses down his throat. His hands slide to my waist and around to the small of my back, where he holds me against him, tighter.

  "Mmm, Daniel, you smell gorgeous."

  Daniel stands and turns with me, lifting me so that I sit on his desk. He steps back and I sit, gently swinging my legs over the edge. He stares at me, arms crossed, grinning. "I knew I'd get you in my office, baby."

  A rush of excitement warms my blood, when he gazes at me like that, it gets me so hot.

  "Well, here I am, baby. Do you wanna...?"

  "Wanna...?" he repeats, slowly stepping back towards me.

  "Wanna... christen the desk?" And then a thought comes to me, "Hang on, has it already been christened?"

  Daniel smiles as he presses against me, in-between my legs. "No. The only girl who has ever been in my office, not on business, is Holly, and we certainly never did anything remotely interesting in here. In fact she couldn't wait to get out."

  "Really?" I ask. How odd, how could you be in here, alone with Daniel, and not want to rip his clothes off and be dirty on the desk?

  "She wasn't really interested in work. Unlike you," he says with a grin. He slips his hands underneath my top and runs them up my bare back, undoing
the clasp of my bra in the process.

  "Naughty boy." My voice deep and libidinous. Daniel's turquoise eyes blaze with sensual anticipation, as he pulls one bra strap from the armhole of my top. I frown in question. Why?

  When the strap is off, he takes the other with ease and pulls the whole bra through the other armhole. He looks down at my chest and I hear his sharp intake of breath. "Baby, you should never wear this top without a bra, unless you're with me. You can see everything, it's fantastic," he smirks, as he holds the back of my neck with one hand and caresses one of my breasts, through my top, with the other. His lips are on mine, immediately, and I melt as the goose bumps spread all over my body. I moan, running my hands through his hair.

  He lowers his head to take one of my nipples in his mouth through the delicate fabric of my top. The warmth from his breath and gentle flick of his tongue makes my body quiver in anticipation. He pulls away suddenly to lift my top up and over my head. "My god, you're so beautiful," he says before pressing his lips to mine again and squeezing my torso against his body.

  I un-tuck his shirt from his shorts and run my fingers up his abs. I could never get enough of feeling his immaculate body, his beautiful skin. I hold onto his arms, lying backwards onto the desk, taking him with me. There's paperwork beneath me, and I worry slightly that I'm going to mess it up, but as Daniel's kiss becomes increasingly carnal, I quickly forget.

  He groans deep in his throat and reaches down to unbutton my jeans. The buzz behind my pubic bone is electric, unbearable. His tongue forceful in my mouth, not asking, taking. This is a Daniel I really like, if it's possible to like him anymore than I already do. I love this forceful, raw, animalistic Daniel, it reminds me of the first time, in Luke's apartment, when he fucked me against the wall.

  He pulls my jeans and knickers past my hips, without breaking away from the kiss, and I push them a little further, but they get stuck on my knees. Damn skinny jeans! I attempt to unbuckle his belt, but it's one I can't figure out and I fumble, clumsily, flustered. For fucks sake!

  "Grr!" I groan, impatiently.

  Daniel rises and smirks. "Impatient, Beatrice?"

  "Yes! I just want you to fuck me!" I snap, irritably.

  He smiles, stepping back and raising his eyebrows, slowly unbuckling his belt. I sit up and quickly shove my jeans off my legs, leaving me bare naked on the desk, waiting. Daniel takes his sweet time with his fly.

  "Daniel..." I tap my finger nails on his desk beside me.

  "Yes, baby?" His voice is so fucking sexy.

  "Hurry up, please?"

  "A little horny?" he grins.

  I roll my eyes, seriously? "Yes! Get a move on! I need you, like, five minutes ago."

  "...and you want me to 'fuck' you, right?" he asks, gazing at me, his eyes slowly licking my naked body from head to toe.

  "Yes, I do. Hard," I whisper.

  "You don't want me to make sweet love to you?"

  "Not this time. I want you to really fuck me, hard, on your desk."

  "Hmm, I see. Are you wet for me?" he asks, his voice quiet and gravelly.

  Oh, ok, two can play that game. I slink back onto my elbows and smile, slowly. "Really, really wet, baby." I respond slowly, my tone low and sultry. I move my hand down my belly languidly, skimming over my landing strip to touch myself with my fingertips. He gasps, audibly. "Are you hard for me, Daniel?"

  "Very," he says, staring at me, touching myself.

  "Mmm," I moan, licking my lips.

  He drops his shorts to the ground. Finally!

  "You look incredible, lying there like that."

  "I want you."

  "I want you too, baby, but I like watching you."

  "Watching me... touch myself?"

  "Yeah, it's so fucking hot," he says, his eyes hooded, burning into me.

  I bend my knees and raise my feet slowly, to rest on the drawer handles, either side of the desk. I'm fully exposed to him, but bizarrely, I don't feel shy in the slightest. I throw my head back and circle my clitoris with my middle finger. "I want you here," I whisper.

  "Jesus Christ..." Daniel groans and leans forward, grabbing the back of my neck, covering my lips with his passionately, carnally. I feel his hard cock, eagerly pressing against me where I'm touching myself. I move my hand and grab the back of his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. My other hand pressing into the flesh of his buttock.

  Daniel groans desperately, slowly sinking into me.

  "Uh!" I throw my head back and tighten my legs around him. "Yes!" He starts to move, hard and fast. He thrusts into me again and again, harder, with each thrust, deeper.

  "Fuck, Daniel, yes... yes!" He pounds stronger, faster. Christ! This is so good, the true definition of 'fucking'.

  "Fuck me, Daniel, fuck me!" I cry, nearing the imminent explosion.

  "Oh, baby, you're so wet, so good!" he groans, his eyes burning into mine as he continues to pump hard.

  "I'm going to... uh huh... yes..."

  "Yes Bea, come all over me, come on, baby."

  My feet start to tingle and curl, and the waves inside me burst into an almighty, crashing orgasm that has me shrieking out loud, crying his name.

  "Fuck! Bea! Yes!" Daniel cries, as he comes hard inside me, with me. He slumps on top of me, panting. "Fuck..." he murmurs, between breaths.

  "Quite," I respond, trying to catch my breath.

  He lifts his head and kisses me. "Baby, you're something else. This time, you got truly, fucked," he says, amused. "But, as outstanding as this was, next time, I'm making sweet love to you, ok?"

  "Mmm. Anything you say, sexy. I love it all," I respond with a huge smile on my face, closing my eyes, dropping my head back on his desk.

  Standing slowly, he slips out of me and gazes at me for a moment before finding his clothes and putting them back on. I remain sprawled on the desk, trying to find an ounce of energy, with which to move. Daniel steps towards me and holds my hands. "Come, up you get, baby. Let's get you dressed."

  "Oh..." I grumble, I can't be bothered to move.

  He sits me up and stands between my legs, brushing my hair off my shoulders. "You're so beautiful," he whispers, before softly caressing my cheek with his fingers.

  I smile, shyly. If only I could tell you, Daniel. I love you so much. "Thank you, you do mention that, a lot."

  Daniel steps back and picks up my jeans from the floor, he takes my knickers from inside and hands them to me. "I want to take you someplace else, and after that, you can decide how we spend the rest of the day. Does that sound ok?"

  "It sounds lovely, Daniel." I get down from the desk and put my underwear back on, already planning what I want to do.

  Suddenly, we hear voices in Heidi's room and I pause, looking to Daniel for reassurance that no one is about to walk into his office. I don't get it, he is looking almost as wary as I am so I yank my jeans on as fast as I can.

  "It's my dad," Daniel says, grinning like a naughty school kid.

  "Oh my god!" I whisper, panicked, "Where's my top?" I'm running around in circles wearing jeans and a bra, trying to locate it. I slip my shoes on and crouch down under the desk, just in case he comes in. Bingo! It's under the desk. I quickly throw it on and Daniel pulls me up just as his office door opens. I spin around to see a very well dressed, attractive couple, smiling.

  "Darling! We didn't know you were here, Iris just told us you came in," the lady says warmly, before looking between Daniel and I, waiting for an introduction.

  "Hi Mom, Dad. She didn't mention that you were here, I only came in briefly to show Bea the office. This is Bea, Beatrice Hart."

  "Of course, Beatrice, I've heard a lot about you," Daniel's dad says, smiling, as he strolls purposefully towards me with his hand held out. I shake it and smile back at him. Heard a lot about me? Intriguing.

  "It's lovely to meet you Mr. Berkeley, Mrs. Berkeley." I extend my hand to Daniel's mum who shakes it gently.

  "You too, Beatrice, please do call me Rose, and my husba
nd is Henry." Rose walks around the desk to kiss her son, and I become suddenly self conscious, recalling the deliciously dirty deed performed on this desk just a few minutes ago. I hope I don't have sex hair or anything. Oh god, does it smell of sex? I look down at my body, double checking that I have all of my clothes on. Luckily the wet patch where Daniel was so skilfully sucking my nipple through my top, has dried off.

  Everything is in place, and I'm pretty sure there are no icky odours, so I can stop panicking and thinking about hot desk sex, to focus on Daniel's parents.

  "Darling, how are you?"

  "Good, thanks, Mom."

  "Will you both be around tomorrow? Maybe you could bring Beatrice for Dinner?"

  "Thanks, Mom, but, unfortunately, Bea is going home tomorrow."

  "Oh what a shame. Hopefully you'll be back again soon so that we can get to know you a little better." If only.

  "Bea lives in London, she's on vacation so she doesn't know when she'll be back. I hope soon," he says as he reaches for my hand and smiles at me. I am shocked by his display of affection in front of his parents. I look at them to gauge their reaction but they don't seem too phased by it. Henry is smiling at me with an almost sad look on his face. He's extremely good looking, Daniel looks exactly like him, only younger, obviously.

  "Well, if you can't come tomorrow, are you busy now? Maybe we could have coffee?"

  Daniel looks at me, questioningly. I smile and nod. "I'm taking Bea out shortly, but we have time for coffee, shall we take it in here?" he asks, gesturing towards the Barcelona chairs.

  "I'll ask Iris to arrange it. What would you like Beatrice?" Henry asks.

  "Could I have tea, please?"

  "She likes English breakfast tea, Dad," Daniel adds.

  "Of course, I won't be a moment."

  Daniel continues to hold my hand as he strolls over to the seating area, sitting opposite Rose and gesturing for me to sit next to him. It's little nerve wracking, meeting the folks.

  "So, Beatrice, have you had a good vacation?" Rose asks.