Sexy Berkeley Read online

Page 22

  "It's been wonderful, actually." I smile at Daniel, "Los Angeles is fabulous."

  "We like it, don't we darling?" she says to Daniel, who smiles warmly at her. "I'm so glad you've had a good time, hopefully Daniel has shown you around a little."

  "Mom, Bea has her own business, just outside of London, she owns a cakery."

  Daniel's dad returns and sits opposite me. "Iris will bring the drinks shortly."

  "Thank you, darling. Bea, what exactly do you do?"

  "I have a cake shop, we make wedding cakes mainly, but also sell the usual cupcakes, occasion cakes et cetera. I love it."

  "How fabulous," she says, enthusiastically, "you must be very creative." I like Rose instantly, she's sweet and warm. I bet she's a wonderful mum.

  "It's a great business, hard work, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

  Iris interrupts us with a huge tray of refreshments. She puts the tray on the meeting table and serves us all our drinks, individually, before placing a tiered stand in the centre of the coffee table. It's piled high with delicious looking biscuits and gorgeous miniature cakes. She promptly leaves the office, closing the door behind her.

  "Wow! This looks lovely," I say with an exuberant smile.

  "Coming from the cake maker, that must be good! When Iris started... how many years ago, Dad?"

  "Eight, son."

  "...Eight years ago, she suggested we serve platters like this for clients and during staff meetings. It went down very well, so we've done it ever since, in all of our offices, even the London office has the same arrangement."

  "That's great, cake is the way forward in business, I always say."

  Daniel and his parents laugh and Daniel smiles, affectionately at his mum. At this moment, I think I want to stay here and never go home. I could cuddle him every night, make love every day, see his beautiful face and mouth-watering body whenever I like. How am I going to live without him? He looks at me and smiles, and I melt. I want to blurt it out right here with his parents as witnesses. I LOVE YOU, DANIEL! More than I've ever loved anyone. I am so in love with you.



  Meeting Henry and Rose was lovely. They seem wonderful parents, I can easily see how Daniel has grown up to be the amazing man he is today.

  Daniel and Henry talked work which turned me on, no end. Daniel in work mode is one of the sexiest things I've ever seen. The girls in this office must walk around with their tongues out all day long, not only because he's a super-hot slice, but also because, when he talks business, he has a powerful, masculine, super-intelligent air about him, and it makes me want to strip him naked and ravish him like a wild animal.

  They discussed global integration, foreign market entry, consumer behaviour and in all honesty, I had no idea what the hell they were talking about, but I nodded and smiled, all the while thinking how I'd like to be a fly on the wall in this office, perving at 'work-mode-Daniel' all day long.

  When they left, they each kissed me on the cheek, and Rose wished me the best of luck with the business, saying she hoped I could make is back to LA very soon so that she can take me out for lunch. She kissed Daniel and told him that I was obviously very good for him because he had colour in his cheeks. I tried to conceal the grin spreading across my face at that point, but it didn't work and Daniel glanced at me, winking in response.


  As they close the door behind them, I turn to Daniel with a grin, "Your parents are so lovely, Daniel."

  He holds my hands and pulls me into his chest. "So are you, baby. They like you."

  "Do you think so?" I ask, my smile growing. Not that it matters.

  "I know so. Who wouldn't?"

  "You're sweet," I say as I kiss his lips and wrap my arms around his neck.

  "So, Bea, would you like to make a move now or..."

  I raise my eyebrow, amused, "...Or?" I ask, as if I don't already know.

  "...Or christen another part of my office?"

  "You're insatiable."

  "I could say the same about you, Beatrice," he murmurs, sexily.

  "Let's go wherever you're taking me, because I know what I want to do with the rest of the day, and the sooner the better."

  Daniel pouts like a child. He looks gorgeous. I kiss his pout and pinch his cheek, "Come on, grumpy, let's go. Plenty of time for more fun later." I scoop up my new bag from his chair and pause, deciding to sit down and check out Daniel's view, day to day. I wheel the chair up to the desk and look around. I pick his phone up, put it to my ear and put it down again.

  He's staring at me, baffled, but amused. "Baby, what are you doing?"

  "I'm just playing."


  "Yes, you know, 'Daniel at work'."

  He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Uh huh, that well known game we all played as children." He shakes his head and I laugh.

  "I just want to see how the world looks for Daniel all week. It's completely different to how I work. This is much more... civilised, I make animals out of sugar paste and get covered in cake batter all day. If I lived here as your full time girlfriend, I don't think I'd be able to stop myself coming to visit you and watching you all day. You're so hot when you talk work."

  Daniel approaches his desk and leans towards me. "I'd love that. I could have you in here to 'pash' between meetings." That amazing thought unfortunately reminds me of his hot assistant who works right next door. I wonder if he ever thinks of taking her into his office for a bit of afternoon delight.

  "Um, don't you find Heidi..."

  He frowns. "Find Heidi, what?"

  "Attractive?" I ask, looking down at the desk, nervously.

  "She's not ugly, baby, but no, she's not my type at all. Why do you ask that?"

  "Just because I think she's pretty damned hot, and she's lucky enough to work in close proximity to you all day. I can't imagine how she manages to keep her hands off."

  He chuckles. "Well, you've nothing to worry about there, I'm not her type either. My dad is probably more her 'thing'," he says with a compassionate smile.

  "Really? Wow, that's surprising, she's so young."

  "I know, her boyfriend is in his fifties. Are you jealous, baby?" he asks, a cheeky grin spreads across his face.

  "Well, yes, actually. I don't want to think about your next... female companion."

  "Neither do I."

  I sigh, fighting back the sadness that's threatening my day. "Shall we go?"

  "Yes, baby." He takes my hand and we make our way down to the car.


  About twenty minutes later, we're in a car park somewhere in Beverly Hills. He still hasn't told me where we're going and I have no idea. We walk for a short while before he stops outside a shop.

  "This is it," he says, pointing to the large shop.

  "What's this, Daniel?" I ask, already spotting something inside that's luring me in.

  "This store sells really cool cake stuff, my mom used to bring us here when we were kids if she wanted to make cookies at Halloween or something. According to Mom, it sells all sorts of cake paraphernalia."

  "Oh, Daniel, this is so my 'thing'! Can we go in?" I'm itching to get in there and have a good look around, I had not expected this!

  "Of course, please," he says with a smile, "I'm sure you have everything you need, already, but I hoped you might find something different."

  "Thank you so much, I'm really excited! I love places like this!"

  The shop was made for me, I'm sure of it. I fill my basket with Halloween decorations for the shop, Spider cake-pop stands, loads of little nick-nacks and a couple of beautiful bundt cake tins. Hopefully I can fit it all in my luggage!

  "Thank you for bringing me here, Daniel. It really is the best place to bring a cake maker!" I say, walking out of the shop, Daniel carrying my purchases.

  "You're welcome, baby, I'm glad you found some new things for the cakery."

  "Me too!" I say, excitedly. "C
lare will be so excited to see it all."

  "So, would you like to do some more shopping in Beverly Hills, sweetheart?" 'Sweetheart'. It makes me turn to Jelly.

  "Do you need to do any?" I ask, more interested in getting him home.

  "No, but I'd like to get the things that you wanted the other day. Please let me?"

  "Daniel, no. Thank you so, so much, but no. I don't need those things, and I would really like to pash for the rest of the day," I say enthusiastically with a beaming grin.

  "When you put it like that, going home sounds much more interesting. But when can I spoil you? I really want to get you something special."

  "You already have, you've got me loads of stuff, Daniel, and this bag is the most gorgeous bag I have ever owned. Every time I wear these shoes, I'll think of today and you. Every time I wear any of this again, I'll think of you. Thank you. So can we please go home?"

  "Home?" Daniel grins, "I like you calling my place 'home'."

  "Your home," I add and he pouts again.

  Soon after, we're pulling back into the car park at the 'W' Residences, and making our way up to Daniel's apartment. He opens the door for us and I stroll though to the main room, depositing my handbag on one of the kitchen stools.

  "What shall we do for lunch?" Daniel asks as he plops down onto the sofa and pats the cushion next to him. I smile, walking towards him and sit down, tucking one foot underneath me, facing Daniel. I stroke his face and he gazes at me, affectionately.

  "I'm so lucky to have met you, Daniel."

  His eyebrows shoot up and a shy smile grows on his beautiful face. "I wasn't expecting that. I think I'm the lucky one, baby."

  "Thank you. I mean for everything, I've had a wonderful holiday and the time I have spent with you has been amazing. I've loved every minute. I'm going to miss you so much."

  Daniel closes his eyes and drops his head, shaking it. "Me too, baby, it's going to be so hard to say goodbye tomorrow, you know that?"

  "Of course I do. I'm dreading it."

  He looks up at me and smiles, sweetly. "But you're here now, and we have all afternoon, all night and all morning, together." He kisses me gently, an appeasing warmth spreads through my body.

  "Quite right, darling. So, what shall we have for lunch?"

  "We can go out or down to the restaurant if you like, or we can order something up."

  "Can we order something up? Then we can chill out in our comfies and snuggle under the duvet all afternoon? I don't want to go anywhere, I want you all to myself."

  "Whatever you say, baby. Comfies?"

  "You know, track suit bottoms, pjs, that sort of thing."

  "Ok, so are you going to wear my sweater and boxers again?"

  "I can if you'd like me to, Daniel," I say, grinning from ear to ear, "I'd definitely class those as comfies."

  "Good, then I'm all for comfies, you look hot in them. Let's get some food ordered and get changed."

  I'm excited at the prospect of spending the rest of the day, tucked up with Daniel. I plan cuddles, kissing, talking and lots of Daniel sex. Mmm, Daniel sex. I need to stock up on it while I can.

  Twenty minutes later, I've changed into my new favourite comfies, and Daniel's got some low slung track suit bottoms on and a grey, fitted t-shirt that shows off his out-of-this-world body.

  I emerge from the bedroom with Daniel's heavy, fluffy duvet wrapped around me as the food is being laid out on the breakfast bar. He stands with his arms crossed, looking questioningly at me, amused. I grin in response. The staff leave and Daniel thanks them, politely.

  "Ok, so what's with the comforter? Are you cold?" he asks.

  "No. I know it's hot outside and everything, but this is what I do at home when I want to get cosy on a rainy day." I slump on the sofa, still wrapped in Daniel's duvet. "I want to do it with you." I add with a raised eyebrow as Daniel grins cheekily at the double entendre.

  "You got it. Do you want to eat lunch over there or at the breakfast bar?"

  "Um, I don't mind, but I don't want to get food on your duvet... comforter... whatever you call it."

  "Who cares, let's eat on the couch, I'm sure the comforter will be fine." he says with a big smile on his face. He passes me my Caesar salad and puts his steak sandwich down on the coffee table, before returning to the kitchen to collect two champagne flutes and a bottle of Veuve Clicquot which he serves up swiftly. "Cheers." Daniel raises his glass to mine and we clink before taking a long, refreshing sip.

  "Mmm, lovely. Thank you Daniel."

  "Are you feeling ok now?" he asks.

  "Yes, thank you, I don't have a hangover at all, surprisingly."

  "Good, I'm glad. Let's eat."

  "Yes, let's, my salad looks yummy but your steak sarnie looks even better."

  Daniel takes a bite out of it and nods. "Mmm, it is," he adds, holding his hand in front of his mouth. When he's finished his mouthful, he continues, "Do you want a bite, baby? I'll swap if you want."

  "You're so sweet. No, you eat it, but I will have a little bite, please?"

  "Of course," he says, holding it in front of my mouth.

  My eyes widen in appreciation. "Wow," I say as I finish chewing, "that really is good. So is my salad," I add, taking another sip of my freezing cold champagne.

  "This is really nice, baby, sitting here like this, with you."

  "It is, isn't it? I'm glad we came back."

  "Me too."

  We finish our lunch, chatting and enjoying every minute of 'togetherness'. This is what Daniel and I should do every weekend, but of course, we can't. I take the plates over to the kitchen and stroll back to cosy up, next to him, under the duvet.

  He pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me, kissing my head. "Hmm, this is good," he murmurs.

  "Yes, it is. How will I survive without this?"

  He sighs, "I don't know, baby, probably better than I will. There must be something we can do."

  "I don't know what. Even if I was able to keep coming back for holidays - which I can't - the time between each one, without you, would be horrible. It has to be all or nothing."

  "I agree, sweetheart. I'll keep thinking. In the meantime, please, please can we stay in contact? I know you didn't want to, initially, but I can't just stop how I feel for you, I need to speak to you when I can." How do you feel for me, Daniel?

  "I can't either. We can stay in touch, but maybe we should limit it a little, we do need to get over each other at some point, we will have to meet other people, as much as it pains me to say it."

  "The thought of anyone else having you..." He shakes his head. "I want you to be mine, every day, I don't want it to stop tomorrow, when you leave."

  Tears threaten and I manage, somehow, to keep them at bay. "Please, Daniel, I can't talk about it anymore. I just want to stay here with you, I don't want to get out from under this duvet and if I have to, I want it to be because you're taking us to the airport so that we can get on a plane and go to England, together."

  Daniel holds me tight, saying nothing. I want to burst into tears but if I start, I won't stop, and that'll ruin what precious time I have left. I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze him as tight as I can, resting my face against his chest. It almost slips out; 'I love you so much', but I manage to control myself. Just.

  I sigh and loosen my grip on Daniel to lean forward and take my drink from the table in an attempt to lighten the mood. I sink my champagne and hold the flute in front of him. "More, please," I say with a wide, cheeky grin.

  Daniel rolls his eyes, jovially. "Off you get then, sugar lips."

  When he returns, he brings a tray with two clean champagne flutes, a fresh bottle of champagne and a cardboard box on a plate.

  "Ooh, what ya got?" I ask, my eyebrows dancing.

  "Patience, Beatrice," he scolds as he places the tray down on his fabulous fabric coffee table.

  He pops the champagne and pours us another glass each. "Here, baby," he says, handing me mine and sitting down next t
o me, "here's to you and me and the universe making it happen, somehow."

  "To us and the universe," I repeat, praying to god that the universe has some sort of trick up its sleeve.

  "Anyway, I got you something delicious," Daniel says, reaching for the plate with the box on.

  "Oh, I'm intrigued, what is it?"

  "Close your eyes and keep them closed." I do as he asks. I hear the cardboard box opening, and another container. "Open your mouth, baby," he says, and as I do, he pops his finger in. "Suck."

  I suck and taste delicious, warm, chocolate sauce. Just like we had after our dinner at The Palm. I feel a buzz in my belly, recalling the sexy things we did with it. "Mmm, chocolate sauce," I say as he removes his finger. I open my eyes and he's grinning at me.

  "Uh huh, and warm doughnuts, I enjoyed it so much last time..."

  "Me too," I respond, my eyebrows raised, "are you going to lick it off me again?" I ask, excitedly.

  "If you want me to, I'd be more than happy to oblige." He takes my champagne and places it on the table before holding my face in his hands and kissing me, deliciously.

  We spend the next couple of hours, covered in chocolate, laughing and making lots of lovely, dirty, chocolaty love. I fall asleep in Daniel's arms and wake after about an hour, when the deep, evening sun is shining through the huge windows of the room. It must be about six and Daniel is still fast asleep beneath me. I nuzzle into his chest, inhaling his scent and savouring the feel of his silky skin against my body.

  He tightens his arms around me and groans appreciatively. "Mmm, hello, baby," he says, his voice course and gravelly.

  "Good evening, Daniel," I reply gazing up at his face and smiling at him. It's so nice waking up, wrapped in his arms.

  "How long have we been asleep?" He asks, reaching for his phone on the coffee table.

  "I'm not sure, about an hour?"

  "Mmm, it's just after six. That was good."

  "Yes, it was, do we have to move?"

  "Nope," he says quickly with a beautiful smile on his face. He tightens his arms around me again and kisses my hair.

  "I need to clean my teeth though, if I am going to kiss you, that is..."